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EBA Clearing handles the pan-European payment of points of origin.

May 08, 2024
1 Min Read

Following the conclusion of a pan-European proof-of-concept involving eight PSPs, EBA Clearing claims its request to pay service is prepared for commercial use cases.

The Request to Pay (R2P) system from EBA Clearing is a pan-European communications infrastructure that allows payment service providers to send end-user request-to-pay solutions. It was created for the SEPA Request-to-Pay Scheme's 2021 start date with the support of 27 PSPs.

BBVA, BNP Paribas, CaixaBank, Commerzbank, Crédit Agricole, Deutsche Bank, DZ Bank, and Pine & Cone were able to exchange request to pay messages over R2P in milliseconds, according to the most recent Proof of Concept.

In addition to demonstrating that EBA Clearing's service is ready for commercial usage, the PoC, according to the company, also demonstrates how PSPs can implement and add value around request to pay, with a particular emphasis on e-invoicing in the business-to-business market.


Fredrik Tallqvist, project manager, R2P Proof of "By exchanging requests to pay and related responses across Europe, our eight participants demonstrated how easy it is to use and integrate R2P with their end-user solutions and gave a powerful outlook on the benefits that request to pay can generate for the invoicing processes of businesses across the continent."

"Interaction with other PSPs has been a very useful experience and has made us realize how important it is for the success of any request to pay products that we are all well aligned on a uniform technical deployment," says Raouf Soussi, head of strategy for enterprise payments at BBVA.


"This challenge has strongly encouraged us to move ahead in the implementation of our RTP project, not only in the B2B environment, but in the B2C space too."

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