Wed, Oct 16 2024

More than forty banks have enrolled for NextGen Nordics 2024.

Seven weeks out from the 23rd of April, NextGen Nordics is coming back to Stockh...

March 02, 2024
1 Min Read
Ebury looks at a £2 billion London listing

Bloomberg reports that Ebury, a corporate banking services supplier to worldwide...

March 06, 2024
1 Min Read
EBAday 2024: Inviting fledgling companies to present their goods

The biggest yearly event in Europe for payments and transaction banking, EBAday,...

March 15, 2024
2 Min Reads
Remittances are abandoned by French fintech in favor of DeFi

According to Tempo France, it is the first fintech company in the money transfer...

March 27, 2024
1 Min Read
$10 million investment from Taiwania Capital is secured by TransferGo

The international fintech company TransferGo, which powers a mobile-first societ...

April 10, 2024
2 Min Reads
The first computerized Bill of Landing transaction is completed by Lloyds.

In a cross-border transaction that involved only digital documentation exchanges...

April 15, 2024
4 Min Reads
Jordan Kuwait Bank uses the transaction banking platform Intellect.

The successful deployment of Jordan Kuwait Bank's (JKB) Digital Transaction Bank...

April 24, 2024
2 Min Reads
EBA Clearing handles the pan-European payment of points of origin.

Following the conclusion of a pan-European proof-of-concept involving eight PSPs...

May 08, 2024
1 Min Read
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