Wed, Oct 16 2024

TranscendAP is a new company that specializes in automating accounts payment using AI.

May 09, 2024
1 Min Read

TranscendAP, an automation expert for accounts payable, is a spin-off of Optima Global Solutions, an IT services company.

Since 2018, TranscendAP has functioned as a division of Optima, offering AP automation software to numerous mid-market and big businesses. Jeff Weinstein, a co-founder and CEO, is currently in charge of it as an independent business.

The TranscendAP platform's most recent version promises to increase team productivity and cost effectiveness by integrating machine learning, artificial intelligence, and a wide range of functionalities.


Weinstein states that the market opportunity for TranscendAP is vast, particularly as they innovate around AI, machine learning, and advanced workflow functionality across their platform. This innovation builds upon the hard work of their team, innovative technology, and diverse customer base.

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