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TNS introduces the Whole Commerce payment stack.

April 17, 2024
2 Min Reads

A global pioneer in managed connection services and payments infrastructure, Transaction Network Services (TNS) has introduced Complete Commerce, a full-stack, cutting-edge, and secure payment and network capabilities.

Enterprises are under pressure to manage these ongoing complexities while providing a user-friendly, dependable, and secure customer experience to meet the needs of the modern consumer in a payments landscape that is changing quickly due to a variety of factors, including evolving consumer behavior, regulatory demands, and technological modernization. By utilizing a single supplier connection and lowering total cost of ownership (TCO) throughout the enterprise's IT ecosystem, Complete Commerce assists in resolving this payment complexity.


"Complete Commerce enables enterprises to accept virtually any type of payment method, online or in-person with TNS’ range of terminals – unattended, at the pump, or in-store,” stated John Tait, Global Managing Director of TNS Payments Market. "TNS offers a PCI DSS certified, fully managed service for payments and network connectivity." Additionally, businesses can link payment terminals, retail locations, and cloud environments to TNS' worldwide private network, which is carrier agnostic, thanks to our range of secure connection products.


To provide mission-critical payment message delivery, TNS's vast network connects with acquirers, processors, loyalty, and alternative payment providers worldwide. Payments can be handled in real time to several endpoints worldwide using the full capability of the TNS cloud native payment orchestration stack.

The most recent security standards for network connectivity and payments, such as PCI P2PE validation, PCI DSS certification, and PCI PTS v6.x devices, also allow Complete Commerce.

The solution provides a unique, single partner enterprise capability for managing mission-critical payments infrastructure by utilizing TNS's Accept, Connect, and Orchestrate payment portfolios, worldwide footprint, and decades of experience in the payment industry.


Tait continued, "By combining our portfolios, we are able to offer businesses distinctive insights via our portals, tracking and analyzing transactions throughout the whole enterprise commerce ecosystem." In addition to upgrading and future-proofing their payment and network connectivity methods, this will assist businesses in reducing technological complexity. By combining a number of omni-channel and connectivity offerings into one and giving a single partner a consolidated view of business operations, Complete Commerce can assist in resolving these pain points.


For in-person, online, and connectivity solutions, large companies used to have to implement a mix of solutions with fragmented payments technology and siloed partners.

Although TNS is a world leader in the provision of security, payment orchestration, and payment terminal services, a transaction cannot be completed without connectivity. Because it sends transactions via a secure core network that it created specifically for the payments sector, TNS is distinct and dependable because it does not rely on a third party for connectivity. The biggest acquirers and financial institutions use TNS to facilitate almost 35 billion payment transactions annually throughout the globe. Four worldwide Network Operations Centers located in the US, UK, Australia, and Malaysia continually monitor and provide scalable, agnostic solutions that are available around-the-clock.

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