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The UK Confirmation of Payee portal now offers mass check functionality thanks to SurePay.

March 05, 2024
1 Min Read

On its UK Confirmation of Payee (CoP) portal, SurePay, a leading supplier of cutting-edge financial security solutions, has announced the addition of bulk check functionality.

This new functionality improves speed and security in financial transactions by enabling organizations to quickly and easily validate up to 10,000 documents in Excel format.

With the bulk check option, users may evaluate UK accounts instantaneously within the portal, streamlining the validation process. Filtering results by "no matches," "Inactive accounts," and name recommendations is a simple process that users may use to ensure accurate verification and lower potential dangers.

Corporates can access the SurePay platform through their bank. Furthermore, the platform authenticates personal and company accounts, guaranteeing all-encompassing coverage for a range of financial requirements.
Among the main attributes of SurePay's CoP site are:

● The world's first integrated gateway for carrying out checks in the UK and the EU
● Clearly displayed account attributes for improved decision-making and transparency ● Instantly verify the accuracy of customer, supplier, or staff data to minimize errors and fraud
Moreover, SurePay provides Payment Service Providers (PSPs) with white label options so they may customize the solution to reflect their brand identity while offering strong security features to their clients.

"We are thrilled to launch bulk check capabilities on our UK Confirmation of Payee portal," SurePay Head of UK Operations Richard Koldewijn stated. "This enhancement underscores our commitment to providing innovative solutions that streamline financial processes and improve security for businesses and PSPs operating in the UK market."

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