Wed, Oct 16 2024

CEO of Freetrade Dodds resigns

May 15, 2024
1 Min Read

Adam Dodds, a co-founder of Freetrade, will stand down as CEO of the UK trading app, and Viktor Nebehaj will take over as COO.

In 2016, Dodds, Nebehaj, and Davide Fioranell established the British equivalent of Robinhood. Over 1.5 million customers can now trade and invest without paying commissions on the platform.

Shortly after the company turned a profit in the first quarter and as it gets ready to launch new goods, such as UK Treasury bills in tax wrappers, Dodds takes over the reins, effective immediately.

Freetrade has seen difficulties, too; in summer, it saw a 65% decline in its value from a peak of £650 million to £225 million, with the wider economic environment being cited as the cause. To maintain its cash runway, it let go of 15% of its 300 employees the year before.


Dodds states: "I've dedicated over ten years of my life to transforming Freetrade from a concept into a lucrative and expanding company. It's time for a leadership transition as Freetrade prepares for its next stage of expansion."

Nebehaj continues, "Adam willed Freetrade to exist as its creator, but it's only natural that various leadership are needed at different stages of a company's growth. We've completed our first profitable quarter, and I'm thrilled about the magnitude of the possibility that lies ahead."

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