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Libyan Digital Lab Introduces Innovations Map to Promote Digital Transformation Across the Country

March 27, 2024
2 Min Reads

An innovations map platform has been established by The Digital Lab, a Libyan effort that promotes innovation and digital transformation, to link investors, entrepreneurs, researchers, and innovators around the country.


The platform, which was unveiled at a Tripoli ceremony, showcases current projects and provides chances for cooperation and knowledge exchange, establishing Libya as a center for digital innovation.

The General Information Authority (GIA) oversees the collaborative think tank hub known as the Libyan Digital Lab, which was founded with assistance from Expertise France and the European Union-funded E-nable project.

The GIA chairman, Abdelbaset Albaor, stated, "The introduction of the Digital Lab's innovations map represents a positive step forward in realizing our national digital transformation strategy." "The joint efforts of the GIA, Libyan institutions, and our international allies are demonstrated by this platform. It highlights the fantastic efforts underway and paves the way for Libya to become home to a flourishing and cutting-edge digital ecosystem.

The team behind Digital Lab is made up of officials from several important Libyan government agencies in charge of innovation, technology, and digitization. Through the E-nable project's seminars and training sessions, the team has also benefited from the technical know-how of global digital specialists and experts.

A research excursion to Paris was part of this, and it provided insightful information about the French approach to digital strategy and the real-world uses of digital tools in French institutions.

fostering creativity

The Digital Lab's efforts to develop a thriving innovation ecosystem in Libya have paid off with the release of their innovations map. This centralized portal tracks innovation endeavors throughout Libya, encompassing private sector endeavors such as on-demand delivery applications and governmental e-services that expedite business registration and public procurement procedures.

Marton Benedek, head of cooperation at the EU delegation to Libya, continued, "Digital technologies can act as a catalyst, supporting key policy objectives, including supporting economic resilience, boosting SMEs’ competitiveness, facilitating the green transition and developing new digital skills."

"A concrete result designed to improve innovation capacities and invest in key value chains, networks, and digital ecosystems is the Digital Lab, developed by E-nable. In order for Libya's institutions to stay up with the digital revolution and modify their governance frameworks to fit our increasingly digitalized society, the EU will keep providing support to them.


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