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LCH is authorized to clear derivatives based on the Bitcoin index.

April 08, 2024
1 Min Read

LCH, a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange Group, has received regulatory clearance to settle cash-settled Bitcoin index futures and options agreements.

For cash-settled Bitcoin index futures and options contracts traded on the UK-based digital asset derivatives trading venue, GFO-X, LCH will offer clearing through its new DigitalAssetClear service.

LCH DigitalAssetClear, which is scheduled to launch later this year, will provide market players clearing digital instruments with a completely segregated clearing solution that includes a segregated default fund and a specific set of clearing rules.


Expressing her satisfaction, Corentine Poilvet-Clédière, CEO of LCH, stated, "We are pleased to have obtained regulatory approval to introduce this innovative service. It will enable institutional market participants to trade and clear cash-settled Bitcoin index futures and options within a familiar regulated environment. Additionally, they will be able to leverage LCH SA’s established risk management capabilities."

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