Wed, Oct 16 2024

KOIOS, a Financial Intelligence Pioneer, Raises $5M in Seed Funding

September 26, 2024
1 Min Read

After successfully completing its initial investment round, KOIOS raised $5 million from individual investors and family offices.

Finextra claims that this noteworthy financial support demonstrates trust in KOIOS's cutting-edge strategy for internet security.


A group of family offices and private investors led the investment, providing strong support for the cutting-edge technologies of the firm. By detecting and thwarting internet threats and manipulation efforts directed at publicly listed firms, KOIOS is committed to improving financial security.


Fundamentally, KOIOS uses an advanced artificial intelligence (AI)-powered software as a service platform to monitor online conversations regarding publicly listed firms on blogs and social media. The software gives businesses early warning of any manipulation attempts and gives them useful information to stop and neutralize negative campaigns.


The recently obtained money will be used to accelerate KOIOS's innovation. The objective is to increase the number of enterprises that may use and profit from sophisticated threat detection and mitigation technologies by making their solutions more widely available.


Ella Tkach-Dreazen, co-founder of KOIOS, claims that many publicly traded firms find it difficult to properly negotiate the more fast difficulties posed by the digital ecosystem. "Most publicly traded companies are finding it difficult to keep up with the rapid changes in the digital landscape, which leaves them open to manipulation and negative influence campaigns on the internet," the speaker said. "We are grateful for the backing of our investors, who see KOIOS as the most effective way to enable businesses to safeguard their stock and themselves."


Investment relations firms and publicly listed corporations in the US have already used KOIOS's platform, demonstrating the company's early success and the usefulness of its products.

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