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How HX Renew's CUICs are Transforming Insurance Pricing

June 10, 2024
3 Min Reads

Pricing models require charts and visualisations, yet conventional tools such as Excel and ordinary Python charts have drawbacks. What happens if the datatypes you use don't match the ones the graphic specifies? Or if you must modify your chart in real time according to the insurance layers that you have chosen? It could be difficult to highlight high-risk exposures in red. Completing these tasks with conventional Python charts or Excel can be difficult, if not impossible.

With its Custom User Interface Components, hx Renew by hyperexponential offers a sophisticated solution (CUICs). With CUICs, users may produce strong graphics that provide more in-depth analyses of data and costs. Because these components are completely customizable, users may create more dynamic and intelligent visualisations than just basic, static charts.


Adding eye-catching visuals to CUICs is not their only benefit; they also offer crucial information that pricing choices could otherwise overlook


Users go closer to becoming Pricing Decision Intelligence (PDI) experts by including CUICs into models.


hx Renew has introduced the specialized "Custom UI Component Exam," a second-tier certification that comes after the "Core Model Developer Exam," in recognition of the significance of CUICs. In addition to the "Model Developer API Exam," this certification aids in the development of PDI expertise by attesting to the user's capacity for CUIC implementation in pricing models.


Plotly, which offers a wide variety of chart kinds, including interactive 3D charts and animations, statistical charts, and maps, is used by CUICs, which are developed in JavaScript React.


The underlying data and logic, as well as the graphic elements, are all customizable by users. For example, thresholds may be adjusted to indicate exposures that pose a significant danger.


When it comes to visualization choices, CUICs are more varied than traditional charts. For example, property models can show the regional distribution of risk by using globe maps.


These dynamic charts offer a degree of customization and interaction that is unmatched by typical tools like Excel. They update based on custom rules or data selection.


Excel has substantial limits when it comes to processing massive datasets and customizing charts, despite its familiarity and ease of use. Adding more flexibility, interaction, and customization to Excel while maintaining its merits, CUICs are a better option for contemporary pricing models.


CUICs have a big advantage for underwriters. Different chart formats, including scatter plots showing losses against charged premiums, can show if a risk is priced effectively or not.


Better risk assessment can be facilitated by implementing custom rules that graphically identify data points that exceed predetermined criteria. Moreover, as a comprehensive visual aid for portfolio analysis, CUICs are useful.


Using CUIC templates doesn't need any knowledge of JavaScript. All users may learn how to utilize CUICs with hx Renew as it offers comprehensive training courses, textual instructions, video demonstrations, and model files.


Text, decimals, and coordinates are just a few of the data kinds that users may contribute to CUICs. Users may find video walkthroughs and instructions to help them along with links to Plotly documentation for comprehensive details on chart attributes.


In addition to charts, CUICs can include GIFs, movies, and photos. They can also include screenshots from external sources via APIs to improve policy overviews.


For actuaries who want to advance in their careers, earning the CUIC certification is essential.


The certification attests to the candidate's proficiency in developing and utilizing hx Renew's Custom User Interface Components, which enhances pricing models and facilitates collaborative decision-making.


The certification method entails practicing with CUIC templates, comprehending customization, and passing a test with twenty-five multiple-choice questions that may be finished in person or online in twenty minutes.


To guarantee that everyone can become competent in utilizing CUICs, users might arrange larger sessions for their teams or take advantage of regular assessment sessions.

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