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Engage suite of consumer banking technologies launches in Q2

May 16, 2024
4 Min Reads

The introduction of Q2 Engage, a suite of consumer banking products intended to assist financial institutions in establishing and maintaining long-lasting connections with account holders, was announced today by Q2 Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:QTWO), a leading supplier of digital transformation solutions for the financial services industry.

With Q2 Engage, financial institutions such as banks and credit unions may enhance their relationship with customers by offering tailored experiences and innovation more quickly.

Improving the consumer's digital experience is one of the top strategic priorities for 2024, according to 83 percent of respondents to the 2024 Retail Banking Trends Report. Financial institutions need to provide their account holders with personalized and dynamic experiences as the usage of digital channels grows, especially with the intensifying competition.

Q2 Engage is a platform that combines Q2's new and current consumer banking offerings to assist financial institutions in creating personalized experiences for their customers throughout their journey. Financial institutions can create carefully considered digital experiences using Q2 Engage that correspond with significant moments in a customer's financial path.Deeper customer interactions stemming from these experiences foster relationships that support the strategic objectives of the bank or credit union, such increasing deposits or introducing new goods.

Bruce Brumfield, president and CEO of Founders Federal Credit Union, stated, "Every member we serve is unique and expects personal digital banking experiences that meet them where they are in their life journey." "Over the years, our collaboration with Q2 has enabled us to both address the unique needs of our members and maintain our position as an industry leader. We will be able to better serve our members and strengthen our bonds with them and the community by utilizing Q2 Engage.

In order to continuously Know, Serve, and Grow customer connections, a strategy framework is supported by the Q2 Digital Banking Platform and Q2 Engage technologies.


This is how it operates:

Know: To comprehend demands across account holder journeys, leverage data and AI.

Apply patent-protected AI to make sense of consumer data by providing it with context and meaning. Financial organizations are able to extract data, give it context, and more effectively propose particular experiences and goods to their account holders by utilizing machine learning for product recommendations and deep learning for cleaning and classifying financial transactions.
Give financial institutions access to more than 600 attributed characteristics so they can create niche markets.

Facilitate a seamless onboarding process for new accounts, as this is essential to promote uptake and interaction with essential goods and services during the initial ninety days.

Serve: Provide meaningful, engaging experiences at the important events in life.


Make dashboards that are customized to each account holder's needs.
Provide account holders—like parents saving for school, gig workers handling money, and students running microbusinesses—curated experiences that adjust in response to fresh data.

Utilize account holder data to create customized, targeted marketing that propel the financial institution's strategy and are specific to each account holder, such as incentives for first-time homebuyers or payroll deposit switching promotions.

Grow: Establish more intimate connections with people outside of the financial industry.

Provide services through the fintech partner ecosystem of Q2 Innovation Studio that go beyond traditional banking.

Provide account holders with specialized experiences that go beyond standard banking, such as investments, loyalty rewards, payments, and financial health.


Create unique solutions and products with Q2's open digital banking platform.

"The secret to building the groundwork for being your customer's primary financial institution is personalization, not just innovation. The first step is to have the appropriate digital tools and be able to provide exceptional experiences, according to Marc DeCastro, research director of IDC Financial Insights. "Financial institutions may better understand, serve, and cultivate their customer relationships with the aid of solutions that can produce highly tailored, engaging experiences.”

Q2 Engage uses our consumer banking solutions, which include the following products, to power the Know, Serve, and Grow framework:

Composable Dashboard: A brand-new digital banking platform that enables financial institutions to direct the account holder's journey through a contemporary user interface (UI) that they can customize without writing any code.


With Q2 SMART, the targeted marketing platform, a new feature called Audience Builder enables financial institutions to divide their account holder audiences according to data-driven attributes.

Experience Builder: Previously known as Q2 Config, Experience Builder is a robust no-code development environment that enables financial institutions to create modular experiences.

An online banking add-on called "Getting Started" walks users through the onboarding processes that are most beneficial to both the financial institution and the account holder.

Add Account: This online banking add-on allows users to swiftly and effortlessly add new accounts without having to leave their online banking environment.


Task Manager is an add-on for online banking that enables banks to assign and oversee activities to customers, including reminders to fund goals, register for financial wellness, and initiate fund transfers.

According to Dallas Wells, SVP of product planning at Q2, "Q2 Engage enables financial institutions to deliver the experiences their customers expect, while anticipating their needs and providing products and services that delight at every crucial life stage." "Financial institutions will stand out and create enduring relationships if they can get to know, serve, and develop their relationships with customers."

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