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The job performed by Klarna's AI chatbot is equal to that of 700 full-time workers.

February 29, 2024
1 Min Read

With its global launch last month, Klarna claims that its chatbot, powered by OpenAI, is handling the equal workload of 700 full-time agents.

Two thirds of the company's customer service chats, or 2.3 million talks, have been conducted by the AI assistant, which Klarna claims is comparable to human agents in terms of customer satisfaction ratings.

According to the company, the chatbot has resulted in a 25% decrease in recurrent queries and consumers are resolving their difficulties in under two minutes, as opposed to eleven minutes earlier.

With the bot available in 23 markets and over 35 languages, Klarna predicts a $40 million increase in profit.

Sebastian Siemiatkowski, co-founder and CEO of Klarna, states, "This AI breakthrough in customer interaction means superior experiences for our customers at better prices, more interesting challenges for our employees, and better returns for our investors." "This launch excites us much, but it also highlights the significant impact that artificial intelligence will have on society. We want to underline once more how important it is for society and politics to give this serious thought. We think that thoughtful, knowledgeable, and steady management will be essential in guiding our societies through this transition."

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