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Snoop and Equifax collaborate to offer a free credit score service.

March 22, 2024
1 Min Read

The renowned money-saving app Snoop is the first to integrate credit score and money management into a single app with the launch of a free credit score service today in collaboration with Equifax.

A high credit score is important for getting loans, borrowing money at cheaper interest rates, getting other financial products, and even getting approved for broadband and cell phone contracts. Along with its well regarded money management tools, Snoop provides free access to credit scores, giving customers all the resources they require to raise their credit score and enhance their financial security.

"We're thrilled to partner with Equifax to bring free credit score access to the Snoop app," stated John Natalizia, CEO of Snoop. This implies that you may now simply keep an eye on your credit score and get all the resources you require to improve your credit history, make wise financial selections, seize better financial possibilities, and accomplish your financial objectives."


According to Archna Luthra, a personal finance specialist at Snoop, "understanding your credit history and how lenders view you is crucial in today's challenging landscape so you can secure access to the best credit deals." Focus on these easy methods to enhance your credit worthiness quickly: pay your bills on time, maintain your balances below 30% of your credit limit, become registered to vote, and fix any inaccuracies on your credit report. You may maintain payment compliance by using Snoop's Bill Protector. Although it can take some time to establish credit worthiness, Snoop now provides all the resources you need to do so and have access to affordable interest rates if you need to borrow money.


When asked how likely they are to refer Snoop, over half of the consumers give the company a 10/10 rating, and eight out of ten say it's much easier to stay on top of their spending and money. You may get the Snoop app from Google Play and the App Store.



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