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OpenUK Demands that the UK Government Support AI Innovation to Seize a "Key Opportunity"

February 21, 2024
3 Min Reads

The UK government is being urged to embrace the nation's leadership in open source and develop a pro-innovation stance towards open innovation, artificial intelligence, and open source by OpenUK, a non-profit organization that advocates for the open technology sector in the UK. The report, titled "State of Open 24 Phase One Report: AI and Open Innovation," was officially released today.


It implies that the UK government must interact with the subtleties of open innovation and open-source technology, as well as pay attention to its constituents.

The survey also shows that UK-owned open repositories for AI are developing at the fastest rate globally. GitHub claims that AutoGPT is the AI repository with the fastest rate of growth worldwide. There are fireside chat interviews in the study, including one with Toran. Bruce Richards, AutoGPT's CEO.

According to Toran Bruce Richards, "the playing field is somewhat leveled by open-sourcing this technology and granting everyone equal access." This implies that a single person can use this technology to the same extent as a large corporation. Rather than fostering inequality, this gives people the chance to realize their aspirations, which were previously only within the reach of the wealthy.

Following nearly ten years of consistent growth, the total number of AI repositories with 1,000 GitHub stars in the UK reached 91 repositories in 2023, representing an annual growth rate of 18.1%. The percentage of AI repositories with 1,000 GitHub stars that are hosted in the UK and Europe shows that the UK has a 5.6% share of AI repositories, compared to a 4.45% share in Europe.

The distinct position of the UK

Amanda Brock, CEO of OpenUK, went on to say that the UK's advantage in being a latecomer to tech regulation allows it to learn from other countries that were quick to regulate and find a flexible, adaptable middle ground that prioritizes the needs of the tech community while safely managing any risks. The UK's greatest chance is unavoidably to facilitate AI openness.

"This year's event will bring together the global tech community, with prominent figures from Silicon Valley traveling to London to exchange concepts and frameworks for practical AI policy. Their suggestions will aid in shaping AI regulations going forward and in advancing cross-border R&D that is inclusive, cooperative, and conducted in a "open manner" on a global scale.

"Open source technology is what will power the world and help to level the playing field in this next revolution," stated Emad Mostaque, CEO of Stability AI.

We at Stability AI recognize and embrace the advantages of open-source software, which is why we are creating and making available open models. Open models facilitate innovation. In order for every industry and every country to eventually have its own AI, they democratize access and let local developers anywhere in the world to create specialized models catered to particular demands.

Condition of Open Convention 24

The research is released in advance of the OpenUK State of Open Con 24, which will be held at The Brewery in London on February 6 and 7. The conference's main attraction will be a "AI policy Zone," which will revolve around a special in-person meeting between the Home Office, Department of Science, Innovation & Technology, and Innovate UK, among other UK government agencies. They will be actively listening to attendees from the global open-source community and offering direct consultations.

Amanda Brock also spoke on the event, saying, "Next week, the open source community will come together in London to drive the conversation on current issues. State of Open Con will be similar to the AI Safety Summit, which brought together an amazing array of global leaders in the UK, but with an emphasis on open innovation and artificial intelligence." "State of Open Con will serve as a forum and platform for significant discourse on the future of AI, open source, and open innovation as we collaborate globally to deliver the summit's goals."


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